#language #virtual-machine #garbage-collection #dynamic #stack-based #nan-tagging #ir-builder

nightly zubbers

A fast, stack-based virtual machine for dynamic languages, with an intuitive IR-builder, garbage collection and NaN-tagging

1 unstable release

0.0.1 Jan 12, 2023

#15 in #stack-based

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70 downloads per month

MIT license


Zub VM

A super-fast, stack-based virtual machine for dynamic languages


This library has recently been forked and is being reworked on to add new features, don't expect a lot of stuff to be stable.


  • NaN-tagging value representation
  • Mark n' sweep garbage collection
  • Compact bytecode format
  • Easy-to-use intermediate representation


  • Refined VM based on work by Mr Briones
  • Tracing garbage collector
  • High-level IR
  • Compilation of IR
  • Optimizer (currently 80-90% Python speed, aiming for much faster)
  • Profiler and disassembler


Building IR is easy

Getting your backend up and running shouldn't have to be hard.

The following code builds IR for evaluating sum = 20.0 + 30.0:

let mut builder = IrBuilder::new();

let a = builder.number(20.0);
let b = builder.number(30.0);

let sum = builder.binary(a, BinaryOp::Add, b);

builder.bind(Binding::global("sum"), sum);

When you feel like the IR is looking smooth. Simply let VM throw it through the compiler, and run it.

let mut vm = VM::new();



Hugorm is a dynamic, python-like language being built for small data science and game projects.



The examples/ folder includes two small language implementations running on the ZubVM.


Atto is a functional, minimal language that showcases how little code is needed to implement a working, Turing-complete language. The syntax can be seen in the following teaser:

fn sum x is
    if = x 0
    + sum - x 1 sum - x 1

fn main is
    sum 12


Mini is a simple language that looks basically like a mix of Rust and JavaScript. It covers a bit wider set of features than Atto. This does show in the size of the language though.

let bar = 13.37;

fn foo() {
  fn baz(c) {
    return c + bar;
  return baz(10);

global gangster = foo();

Special thanks


~140K SLoC