zerror is used at run time in 21 crates (of which 1 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 14 crates.

Number of dependers zerror version Downloads/month
17 0.4.0 54
3 0.3.0 56
0 0.2.0 60
1 0.1.1 50
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) zerror version
230 19 prototk ^0.4
3 rpc_pb ^0.4
11 zerror_core ^0.4
1 split_channel ^0.4
2 tuple_key ^0.4
busyrpc ^0.4
saros ^0.4
busybee ^0.1
2 mani ^0.4
1 lsmtk ^0.4
2 sst ^0.4
analogize ^0.4
keyvalint_bench ^0.3
protoql ^0.4