22 releases (stable)

1.3.6 Apr 12, 2024
1.3.5 Mar 27, 2024
1.3.4 May 11, 2023
1.3.3 Dec 15, 2022
0.2.2 Dec 30, 2019

#16 in Visualization

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A Rust version of the zdump utility.

Output example when specifying only a zonename:

zdump /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Paris
Europe/Paris Tue, 04 Aug 2020 23:26:09 +0200 CEST

To display week number:

zdump /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Paris -w
Europe/Paris Tue, 04 Aug 2020 23:26:09 +0200 CEST, week number: 32

When specifying a zonename and a year, outputs transition times for that year:

zdump /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Paris -y 2020
Europe/Paris Sun, 29 Mar 2020 01:00:00 UT -> CEST, utc_offset=7200, DST: true
Europe/Paris Sun, 25 Oct 2020 01:00:00 UT -> CET, utc_offset=3600, DST: false

To display all zone's transition times:

zdump /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Phoenix -a
America/Phoenix Sun, 18 Nov 1883 19:00:00 UT -> MST, utc_offset=-25200, DST: false
America/Phoenix Sun, 31 Mar 1918 09:00:00 UT -> MDT, utc_offset=-21600, DST: true
America/Phoenix Sun, 27 Oct 1918 08:00:00 UT -> MST, utc_offset=-25200, DST: false
America/Phoenix Sun, 30 Mar 1919 09:00:00 UT -> MDT, utc_offset=-21600, DST: true
America/Phoenix Sun, 26 Oct 1919 08:00:00 UT -> MST, utc_offset=-25200, DST: false
America/Phoenix Mon, 09 Feb 1942 09:00:00 UT -> MWT, utc_offset=-21600, DST: true
America/Phoenix Sat, 01 Jan 1944 06:01:00 UT -> MST, utc_offset=-25200, DST: false
America/Phoenix Sat, 01 Apr 1944 07:01:00 UT -> MWT, utc_offset=-21600, DST: true
America/Phoenix Sun, 01 Oct 1944 06:01:00 UT -> MST, utc_offset=-25200, DST: false
America/Phoenix Sun, 30 Apr 1967 09:00:00 UT -> MDT, utc_offset=-21600, DST: true
America/Phoenix Sun, 29 Oct 1967 08:00:00 UT -> MST, utc_offset=-25200, DST: false

To display raw and debug data:

zdump /usr/share/zoneinfo/EST -r
Tz { tzh_timecnt_data: [], tzh_timecnt_indices: [], tzh_typecnt: [Ttinfo { tt_gmtoff: -18000, tt_isdst: 0, tt_abbrind: 0 }], tz_abbr: ["EST"], name: "EST" }
Tzinfo { timezone: "EST", utc_datetime: 2021-07-09T20:57:50.343062Z, datetime: 2021-07-09T15:57:50.343062-05:00, dst_from: None, dst_until: None, dst_period: false, raw_offset: -18000, dst_offset: 0, utc_offset: -05:00, abbreviation: "EST", week_number: 27 }

-h and -V prints help and version information, respectively.

License: MIT


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