Cargo Features

zalgo-codec = { version = "0.11.0", default-features = false, features = ["binary", "gui", "serde", "macro", "std"] }
default = macro, std

These default features are set whenever zalgo-codec is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

binary gui? = std

Builds a binary that can be used to test out the codec.

Enables anyhow and clap

Required by the zalgo_codec binary

gui = binary

Builds an optional GUI into the binary.

Enables cli-clipboard, iced, and rfd


Implements the Serialize and Deserialize traits from serde for ZalgoString.

Enables serde of zalgo-codec-common

macro default

Enables the proc-macros zalgo_embed and zalgofy

Enables zalgo-codec-macro

std default binary?

Enables the library to link to the standard library. Used to implement the std::error::Error trait for zalgo_codec_common::Error.

Enables std of zalgo-codec-common