#xml #serialization #xmpp


XML Streamed Objects: similar to serde, but XML-native

1 unstable release

0.0.1 Apr 17, 2024

#23 in #xmpp

Download history 136/week @ 2024-04-17

136 downloads per month

MPL-2.0 license


Core types, macros and traits for parsing structs from XML

This crate provides the facilities for parsing XML data into Rust structs, and vice versa. Think of it as an alternative[^serde-note] to serde, more suited to XML.

To get started, use the FromXml and IntoXml derive macros on your struct. See in particular the documentation of FromXml for a full reference on the supported attributes.

XSO is an acronym for XML Stream(ed) Objects, referring to the main field of use of this library in parsing XML streams like specified in RFC 6120.

[^serde-note]: Though it should be said that you can combine serde and this crate on the same struct, no problem with that!


~180K SLoC