xlsxwriter is used at run time in 16 crates (of which 8 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 13 crates.

Number of dependers xlsxwriter version Downloads/month
11 0.6.0 26K
2 0.5.0 31
3 0.3.5 150
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) xlsxwriter version
700 2 csvs_convert ^0.6.0
460 fofa ^0.6.0
190 1 libflatterer ^0.6
datapackage_convert ^0.3.5
1 tina-core ^0.6.0
csv-txt-excel-parallel-toolkit ^0.5.0
oca-parser-xls ^0.6.0
csv2xls ^0.3
rust-bio-tools ^0.6
160 oca-rust optional ^0.5.0
110 notatin optional >=0.6.0
6 ekg-error optional ^0.6.0
md-designer optional ^0.3.2