#screenshot #chrome #web #capture #file-path #cli-tool #screencap

bin+lib webscreenshot

A simple CLI tool to take screenshots of rendered webpages, given a URL or local file path

2 releases

0.2.2 Jun 19, 2020
0.2.1 Jun 18, 2020

#47 in #chrome

38 downloads per month


136 lines


Screenshot a webpage rendered in headless Chrome.

A simple CLI tool to take screenshots of rendered webpages, given a URL or local file path prepended by file:///.


    wss [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <url> <output-path>

        --help            Prints help information
    -q, --quiet           Display no messages to stdout.
    -V, --version         Prints version information
    -z, --visible-only    Screenshot only what is visible from the dimensions of the browser window, rather then the
                          entire surface of the page.

    -h, --height <browser-height>      Height of the browser to render the webpage in. [default: 800]
    -w, --width <browser-width>        Width of the browser to render the webpage in. [default: 1024]
    -e, --element <element>            CSS selector of element to screenshot.
    -f, --format <format>              Format to save screenshot as. Must be one of png, jpg, or pdf. [default: png]
                                       [possible values: png, jpg, pdf]
    -j, --jpg-quality <jpg-quality>    Quality of jpg screenshot to output, 0-100. Will be ignored if --image-format is
                                       not set to jpg. [default: 80]

    <url>            URL or file to take a screencap of. i.e. https://example.com or file:///path/to/file.html
                     [default: https://wikipedia.org]
    <output-path>    Local file path to save screenshot image to. [default: /tmp/screenshot.png]


WebScreenShot (wss) can be installed via crates.io:

cargo install webscreenshot


This package can be built by running:

cargo build --release --features="cli-binary"


WebScreenShot mainly uses the screenshot functionality provided by the headless_chrome library. It isn't affiliated with the team who makes headless_chrome, but intends to be a convinent way to screenshot webpages from the command line.


~425K SLoC