Cargo Features

wasmer-cli = { version = "4.3.1", default-features = false, features = ["tun-tap", "journal", "fuse", "backend", "coredump", "sys", "jsc", "wast", "host-net", "wat", "compiler", "wasmer-artifact-create", "static-artifact-create", "wasmer-artifact-load", "static-artifact-load", "singlepass", "cranelift", "llvm", "disable-all-logging", "headless", "headless-minimal", "enable-serde"] }
default = compiler, journal, static-artifact-create, sys, wasmer-artifact-create, wast, wat

Don't add the compiler features in default, please add them on the Makefile since we might want to autoconfigure them depending on the availability on the host.

tun-tap = mac_address, mio, tokio-tungstenite

Tun-tap client for connecting to Wasmer Edge VPNs

Enables interfaces and tun-tap, tokio-tungstenite of virtual-net

journal default

Enables journal of wasmer-wasix

Affects wasi::Wasi.journals, wasi::Wasi.enable_compaction, wasi::Wasi.without_compact_on_drop, wasi::Wasi.with_compact_on_growth, wasi::Wasi.snapshot_on, wasi::Wasi.snapshot_interval


Enables fuse, rkyv, shared-buffer, and time ^0.1.45


Used by the mount command

backend compiler jsc?

Required by the wasmer binary

coredump = wasm-coredump-builder
sys default = compiler, wasmer-vm
jsc = backend

Enables jsc and std of wasmer

Repo-local dependencies.

wast default = wasmer-wast

Enables host-net of virtual-net

wat default

Enables wat of wasmer

compiler default cranelift? llvm? singlepass? static-artifact-create static-artifact-load? sys wasmer-artifact-create wasmer-artifact-load? = backend

Enables compiler of wasmer, translator of wasmer-compiler

Affects store::CompilerOptions

wasmer-artifact-create default = compiler, wasmer-object

Enables wasmer-artifact-create and wasmer-artifact-load of wasmer and wasmer-compiler

static-artifact-create default = compiler, wasmer-object

Enables static-artifact-create and static-artifact-load of wasmer and wasmer-compiler

wasmer-artifact-load = compiler

Enables wasmer-artifact-load of wasmer and wasmer-compiler

static-artifact-load = compiler

Enables static-artifact-load of wasmer and wasmer-compiler

singlepass = compiler, wasmer-compiler-singlepass
cranelift = compiler, wasmer-compiler-cranelift
llvm = compiler, wasmer-compiler-llvm
disable-all-logging headless-minimal?

Enables release_max_level_off of log, disable-all-logging of wasmer-wasix

headless headless-minimal?

Required by the wasmer-headless binary

headless-minimal = disable-all-logging, headless


Enables enable-serde of wasmer, wasmer-compiler, wasmer-vm, and wasmer-wasix

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

wasmer-compiler compiler enable-serde? static-artifact-create static-artifact-load? wasmer-artifact-create wasmer-artifact-load?
wasmer-compiler-cranelift cranelift?
wasmer-compiler-singlepass singlepass?
wasmer-compiler-llvm llvm?
wasmer-vm enable-serde? sys
wasmer-wast wast
wasmer-object static-artifact-create wasmer-artifact-create
wasm-coredump-builder coredump?
mio tun-tap?
tokio-tungstenite tun-tap?

Enables tokio-tungstenite ^0.20.1

mac_address tun-tap?