Cargo Features

volo-http has no features set by default.

volo-http = { version = "0.2.6", features = ["full", "default_client", "default_server", "client", "server", "tls", "rustls", "native-tls", "native-tls-vendored", "cookie", "form", "json", "sonic_json", "serde_json"] }
full = client, cookie, form, json, query, rustls, server, tls
default_client = client, json
default_server = form, json, query, server
client default_client? full?

client core

Enables client and http1 of hyper

Affects context::client, error::client, volo-http::client

server default_server? full?

server core

Enables http1 and server of hyper and matchit

server optional

Affects context::server, error::server, volo-http::server

tls full? = rustls
rustls full? tls? = __tls

Enables rustls of volo and tokio-rustls ^0.25

tls optional

native-tls native-tls-vendored? = __tls

Enables tokio-native-tls, native-tls of volo

native-tls-vendored = native-tls

Enables native-tls-vendored of volo

Enables cookie

cookie support

Affects volo-http::cookie

query form default_server? full?

Enables serde and serde_urlencoded


serde and form, query, json

__tls native-tls? rustls?

Affects transport::TlsTransport

json default_client? default_server? full? = sonic_json

use sonic_json by default

__json serde_json? sonic_json?

an empty and private feature for avoiding too many cfg(any)

Affects body::BodyConversion.into_json, volo-http::json

sonic_json json? = __json

Enables serde and sonic-rs


sonic is a better replacement for json

serde_json = __json

Enables serde and serde_json