Cargo Features

typst-ts-compiler = { version = "0.5.0-rc4", default-features = false, features = ["emoji", "lazy-fontdb", "no-content-hint", "system-compile", "system-watch", "system", "dynamic-layout", "web-render", "browser-compile", "browser-embedded-fonts", "web"] }
default = dynamic-layout, system

These default features are set whenever typst-ts-compiler is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

cjk emoji

Enables rayon


Enables no-content-hint of typst-ts-core

system-compile system

Enables walkdir, dirs, fontdb ^0.16, log, and notify, glyph2vec of typst-ts-core

Affects font::system, package::http, service::CompileDriver, vfs::system

system-watch system

Enables notify and tokio

Affects service::Compiler.relevant, service::Compiler._relevant

system default = system-compile, system-watch

Affects time::now

dynamic-layout default

Enables typst-ts-svg-exporter

web-render browser-compile? web?

Enables js-sys, pollster, and serde-wasm-bindgen, wasm-bindgen, wasm-bindgen-futures, and web-sys, wasm-bindgen of instant, web of typst-ts-core

Affects font::web

browser-compile web? = web-render

Enables js-sys, pollster, and serde-wasm-bindgen, wasm-bindgen, wasm-bindgen-futures, and web-sys, wasm-bindgen of instant, glyph2vec and web of typst-ts-core

Affects package::browser, vfs::browser


Enables js-sys, pollster, and serde-wasm-bindgen, wasm-bindgen, wasm-bindgen-futures, and web-sys, wasm-bindgen of instant, web of typst-ts-core

web = browser-compile, web-render

Enables js-sys, pollster, and serde-wasm-bindgen, wasm-bindgen, wasm-bindgen-futures, and web-sys, wasm-bindgen of instant, web of typst-ts-core

Affects time::now