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#85 in #aptos

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13K SLoC

id: transaction-builder-generator title: Transaction Builder Generator custom_edit_url: https://github.com/aptos-labs/aptos-core/edit/main/language/transaction-builder-generator/README.md

Transaction Builder Generator

A transaction builder is a helper function that converts its arguments into the payload of an Aptos transaction calling a particular Move script.

In Rust, the signature of such a function typically looks like this:

pub fn encode_peer_to_peer_with_metadata_script(
    token: TypeTag,
    payee: AccountAddress,
    amount: u64,
    metadata: Vec<u8>,
    metadata_signature: Vec<u8>,
) -> Script;

This crate provide a library to generate transaction builders in one programming language.

The tool will also generate and install type definitions for Aptos types such as TypeTag, AccountAddress, and Script.

In practice, hashing and signing Aptos transactions additionally requires a runtime library for Binary Canonical Serialization ("BCS"). Such a library will be installed together with the Aptos types.

Supported Languages

The following languages are currently supported:

  • Rust


~1.5M SLoC