Cargo Features

tower-etag-cache = { version = "0.1.0", default-features = false, features = ["http-body-impl", "simple-etag-cache-key", "base64-blake3-body-etag", "const-lru-provider"] }
default = http-body-impl

The http-body-impl feature is set by default whenever tower-etag-cache is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

http-body-impl default

Enables bytes and http-body ^0.4

Affects response::http_body_impl

simple-etag-cache-key const-lru-provider?

Affects tower-etag-cache::simple_etag_cache_key

base64-blake3-body-etag const-lru-provider?

Enables blake3 and data-encoding

Affects tower-etag-cache::base64_blake3_body_etag

const-lru-provider = base64-blake3-body-etag, simple-etag-cache-key

Enables bytes, const-lru, http-body ^0.4, hyper ^0.14, num-traits, time, tokio, and tokio-util

Affects tower-etag-cache::const_lru_provider