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The current version of Tiled is 0.12.0.

0.8.0 (older version) Rating: Negative Thoroughness: Medium Understanding: Medium

by MaulingMonkey on 2019-09-02

Do not use on User Generated Content! * Vulnerable to path traversal attacks if fed bogus .tmx files (see Tileset::new_reference) * No obvious protection against zipbombs * A couple cases where bad input will panic, a potential DoS vector.

For game engines, there's also no great way to inject your own virtual filesystem callbacks (again see Tileset::new_reference)

There's also a few missing features: * Wang Tiles * Terrains * "file" Custom Properties


File Rating Notes
assets/tiled_base64_external.tmx +1
assets/tiled_base64_gzip.tmx +1
assets/tiled_base64_zlib.tmx +1
assets/tiled_base64.tmx +1
assets/tiled_csv.tmx +1
assets/tiled_image_layers.tmx +1
assets/tiled_xml.tmx +1
tilesheet.png +1 Neat looking modern tileset... wonder what the source is!
tilesheet.tsx +1
examples/ +1
src/ +1
tests/ +1
.cargo-ok +1
.gitignore +1
.travis.yml +1 Sparse... no MSRV, beta/nightly, etc.
Cargo.toml +1
Cargo.toml.orig +1 +1 +1 Dead link to tileset source
Other Rating Notes
unsafe +1 No unsafe
fs -1 See Tileset::new_reference notes
io 0 Brittle XML parsing, but OK for limited inputs.
docs -1 Barely any.
tests +1


Line What Notes
28 get_attrs! Eep
53 parse_tag! Mishandles nested tags... fortunately that's probably not necessary.
97 Colour::from_str British... and a possible source of panics.
161 PropertyValue::new No "file" support (see
238 Map::new My kingdom for some variable names!
256 Map::new Still using try!
385 Tileset::new_reference Possible path traversal attacks, limits ability to inject your own virtual filesystem.
860 decode_csv I've heard decoding arbitrary CSV is way more complicated than this... but this probably works for tile data as used in tmx files.
883 convert_to_u32 Kinda want this to be based on iterators to avoid an extra alloc...

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To review the actual code of the crate, it's best to use cargo crev open tiled. Alternatively, you can download the tarball of tiled v0.12.0 or view the source online.