Cargo Features

telegram_bots_api = { version = "0.74.0", default-features = false, features = ["all", "nightly", "async", "sync", "cargo-minimal-versions", "openssl", "libgit2-sys"] }
default = async

The async feature is set by default whenever telegram_bots_api is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

all = async, sync
async default all?

Enables async-trait and tokio

Affects requests::r#async, clients::r#async, clients::r#async, helpers::mocked_async

sync all?

Affects requests::sync, clients::sync, clients::sync, helpers::mocked_sync

Features from optional dependencies

cargo-minimal-versions implicit feature

Enables cargo-minimal-versions


Cargo subcommand for proper use of -Z minimal-versions and -Z direct-minimal-versions

openssl implicit feature

Enables openssl


OpenSSL bindings

libgit2-sys implicit feature

Enables libgit2-sys


Native bindings to the libgit2 library