Cargo Features

taffy = { version = "0.4.4", default-features = false, features = ["block_layout", "flexbox", "grid", "content_size", "taffy_tree", "serde", "std", "alloc", "debug", "profile"] }


default = block_layout, content_size, flexbox, grid, std, taffy_tree

These default features are set whenever taffy is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

block_layout default


Enables the Block layout algorithm

flexbox default

Enables the Flexbox layout algorithm

Affects style::Style.flex_direction, style::Style.flex_wrap, style::Style.flex_basis, style::Style.flex_grow, style::Style.flex_shrink, style::Style.align_items, style::Style.align_self, style::Style.align_content, style::Style.justify_content,

grid default = alloc

Enables the CSS Grid layout algorithm

Enables grid ^0.13.0

Affects style::Style.justify_items, style::Style.justify_self, style::Style.grid_template_rows, style::Style.grid_template_columns, style::Style.grid_auto_rows, style::Style.grid_auto_columns, style::Style.grid_auto_flow, style::Style.grid_row, style::Style.grid_column, style_helpers::repeat, style_helpers::evenly_sized_tracks, style_helpers::minmax, style_helpers::flex, style_helpers::fr, style::Style.align_items, style::Style.align_self, style::Style.align_content, style::Style.justify_content,

content_size default

Causes all algorithms to compute and output a content size for each node

Affects layout::LayoutOutput.content_size, layout::Layout.content_size

taffy_tree default

Taffy Tree

Enable the built-in Taffy node tree

Enables slotmap



Add serde derives to Style structs

Enables serde

std default debug? profile?

Allow Taffy to depend on the standard library

Enables std of optional grid ^0.13.0, num-traits, optional serde, and optional slotmap

alloc grid

Allow Taffy to depend on the alloc library

Enables alloc of optional serde

debug = std

Internal feature for debugging

Affects debug::DebugLogger

profile = std

Internal feature for profiling

Affects debug::DebugLogger