Statistical is used at run time in 14 crates. It is a direct run-time dependency in 12 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 5 crates (of which 3 directly).

Number of dependers Statistical version Downloads/month
17 1.0.0 36K
2 0.1.1 65
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) Statistical version
6.9K 2 hyperfine ^1.0
600 balter ^1.0
410 resctl-bench ^1.0
190 structured ^1
180 simple-disk-benchmark ^1.0.0
110 fasten ^1.0
100 gen-rs ^1.0.0
allan-tools ^1.0.0
cereal_lib ^1.0.0
ross ^0.1.1
hal-ml ^0.1.1
2 lox-library ^1.0.0
120 dapol dev ^1.0.0
spritz_cipher dev ^1.0
abd-clam dev ^1.0.0