Cargo Features

sos-net has no features set by default.

sos-net = { version = "0.12.1", features = ["full", "client", "listen", "server", "hashcheck", "archive", "files", "contacts", "migrate", "keychain-access", "device", "recovery", "pairing", "preferences", "search", "security-report", "system-messages", "mem-fs", "test-utils"] }
full = archive, client, contacts, device, files, hashcheck, keychain-access, listen, migrate, pairing, preferences, search, security-report, server, system-messages
client full?

Enables reqwest

Affects sos-net::client

listen full?

Enables tokio-tungstenite

Affects sos-net::ChangeNotification

server full? = device

Enables axum, axum-extra, axum-macros, axum-server, tokio-stream, toml, tower, tower-http, utoipa, and utoipa-rapidoc ^3

Affects sos-net::server

hashcheck full?

Affects client::hashcheck

archive full?

Enables archive of sos-sdk

files full?

Enables files of sos-sdk

Affects network_account::NetworkAccountOptions.file_transfer_settings, sync::SyncClient.upload_file, sync::SyncClient.download_file, sync::SyncClient.delete_file, sync::SyncClient.move_file, sync::SyncClient.compare_files

contacts full?

Enables contacts of sos-sdk

migrate full?

Enables migrate of sos-sdk

keychain-access full?

Enables keychain-access of sos-sdk

device full? server?

Enables device of sos-sdk

Affects sync::SyncClient.patch_devices, client::pairing


Enables recovery of sos-sdk

pairing full?

Enables snow

Affects sos-net::relay, client::pairing

preferences full?

Enables preferences of sos-sdk

Enables search of sos-sdk

security-report full?

Enables security-report of sos-sdk

system-messages full?

Enables system-messages of sos-sdk


Enables mem-fs of sos-sdk


Enables test-utils of sos-sdk