3 releases

0.1.2 Apr 23, 2021
0.1.1 Apr 19, 2021
0.1.0 Apr 16, 2021

#61 in #calls


396 lines


Rust client library for Meteor DDP.

Currently extremely limited (no actual object synchronisation), but useable for connecting, making RPC calls and receiving subscription messages by hand.


A simple wrapper for the Meteor DDP protocol.

let connection = siderite::Connection::connect("wss://example.com/websocket").await?;

// Make a RPC task in an independant task:
let handle = connection.handle();
tokio::spawn(async move {
    let r = handle.call("login", vec!["username".into(), "my-secret-token".into()])
                       .await?;  // this throws if the RPC call could not complete
                       .map_err(|e| eprintln!("Login failed with reason: {}", e))?


// Consume the stream
while let Some(msg) = connection.recv().await {
   match msg {
      ServerMessage::Added{..} => { ... }


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