Cargo Features

shortguid = { version = "0.7.0", default-features = false, features = ["arbitrary", "random", "fast-rng", "serde", "bytemuck", "borsh", "zerocopy"] }
default = fast-rng

The fast-rng feature is set by default whenever shortguid is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.


Add support for arbitrary types

Enables derive of arbitrary, arbitrary of uuid

random fast-rng

Create random ShortGuid IDs

Enables v4 of uuid

fast-rng default = random

Use a faster (but still sufficiently random) RNG

Enables fast-rng of uuid


Serialization and deserialization support

Enables serde, serde of uuid


Bytemuck support

Enables bytemuck, bytemuck of uuid


Borsh support

Enables borsh and borsh-derive, borsh of uuid

Features from optional dependencies

zerocopy implicit feature

Enables zerocopy


Utilities for zero-copy parsing and serialization