#save #value #parse #system #field #content #sharecart


For use with the Sharecart1000 system

2 stable releases

Uses old Rust 2015

1.0.1 Mar 6, 2021
1.0.0 May 9, 2018

#113 in #save

22 downloads per month

Zlib OR Apache-2.0 OR MIT

119 lines

CratesIO Build status TravisCI


A sharecart library for rust.

Lets you parse the contents of the o_o.ini file into a Sharecart value, work with it however you like (all fields are public), and then convert it back into the new contents for the save file.


This crate lets you interact with the Sharecart1000 system.

The format specification is given here.

See their about page for more info.

