SCT is used at run time in 5,109 crates (of which 1,944 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 6 crates. It's used at build time in 4 crates (of which 2 optionally, ). It's used only as a dev dependency in 305 crates.

Number of dependers SCT version Downloads/month
4,127 0.7.1 4.0M
1,171 0.6.1 284K
28 0.5.0 1.4K
75 0.4.0 1.6K
10 0.3.0 160
7 0.2.0 41
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) SCT version
100K 9 ct-logs ^0.7.0
2.7K 1 kitsune_p2p_proxy =0.7.0
180 mesalink ^0.6.0
3 rustls-fork-shadow-tls ^0.7.0
tabbyssl ^0.6.0
factoriauth =0.7.0