#vm #client-server #stack #system #language #architecture #bevy

app sabi

A rust like language with a stack based vm

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Oct 9, 2018

#1834 in Game dev


522 lines


Opinionated client-server architecture for Bevy


  • Prediction based on inputs
  • Replication by a simple derive and adding a system to server/client
  • Priority queue based sending so we focus on important entities/components. Interest management based on changes/connecting players.
  • TBD (whatever else I feel like doin)

Is it production ready?

Who the hell knows but I'm using it. It definitely isn't super polished yet, but I'm hoping to improve that in the next couple months.

Feel free to contribute to this or to renet (the underlying library) here: https://github.com/lucaspoffo/renet Most of the hard work of getting the UDP/packets sending/encryption was done over there.


~81K SLoC