#mex #matlab #matrix #ffi #science

macro rustmex-entrypoint

Rustmex: providing convenient Rust bindings to Matlab MEX API's

6 releases (3 breaking)

0.4.2 Jun 4, 2023
0.4.1 Jun 4, 2023
0.4.0 Aug 11, 2022
0.3.0 Aug 8, 2022
0.1.0 Jul 26, 2022

#10 in #mex

Used in rustmex

MPL-2.0 license



A library providing convenient Rust bindings to Matlab's MEX C api.

Rustmex makes writing MEX functions in Rust a bit easier. It convert Matlab types, and the arguments it provides to mexFunction into more Rusty types, which can then be used to interface with other Rust code easily.


The main library is the 'rustmex' crate. This is intended as the user facing crate.

This crate does not directly link to the API of Matlab or Octave. This is because they each use different symbol names. Instead, Rustmex has a set of crates, which all expose the same symbol names for the same functionality (the rustmex_* functions), which mostly forward to the appropriate function in the API of the backend.

These different backends also represent complex array differently. Two represent complex array by storing the real and imaginary part separately; the other stores them interleaved. What using the aforementioned shim crates also enables is failing compilation (through a linkage failure) if a numerics crate expecting one representation (and thus a set of rustmex_ symbols) is paired with another backend.


~34K SLoC