Cargo Features

rsql_core has no features set by default.

rsql_core = { version = "0.13.1", features = ["all", "all-drivers", "driver-duckdb", "driver-libsql", "driver-mariadb", "driver-mysql", "driver-postgres", "driver-postgresql", "driver-rusqlite", "driver-sqlite", "driver-sqlserver", "all-formats", "format-ascii", "format-csv", "format-html", "format-json", "format-jsonl", "format-markdown", "format-plain", "format-psql", "format-sqlite", "format-tsv", "format-unicode", "format-xml", "format-yaml"] }
all = all-drivers, all-formats
all-drivers all? = driver-duckdb, driver-mariadb, driver-mysql, driver-postgres, driver-postgresql, driver-rusqlite, driver-sqlite, driver-sqlserver
driver-duckdb all-drivers?

Enables duckdb of rsql_drivers


Enables libsql of rsql_drivers

driver-mariadb all-drivers?

Enables mariadb of rsql_drivers

driver-mysql all-drivers?

Enables mysql of rsql_drivers

driver-postgres all-drivers?

Enables postgres of rsql_drivers

driver-postgresql all-drivers?

Enables postgresql of rsql_drivers

driver-rusqlite all-drivers?

Enables rusqlite of rsql_drivers

driver-sqlite all-drivers?

Enables sqlite of rsql_drivers

driver-sqlserver all-drivers?

Enables sqlserver of rsql_drivers

all-formats all? = format-ascii, format-csv, format-html, format-json, format-jsonl, format-markdown, format-plain, format-psql, format-sqlite, format-tsv, format-unicode, format-xml, format-yaml
format-ascii all-formats?

Enables ascii of rsql_formatters

format-csv all-formats?

Enables csv of rsql_formatters

format-html all-formats?

Enables html of rsql_formatters

format-json all-formats?

Enables json of rsql_formatters

format-jsonl all-formats?

Enables jsonl of rsql_formatters

format-markdown all-formats?

Enables markdown of rsql_formatters

format-plain all-formats?

Enables plain of rsql_formatters

format-psql all-formats?

Enables psql of rsql_formatters

format-sqlite all-formats?

Enables sqlite of rsql_formatters

format-tsv all-formats?

Enables tsv of rsql_formatters

format-unicode all-formats?

Enables unicode of rsql_formatters

format-xml all-formats?

Enables xml of rsql_formatters

format-yaml all-formats?

Enables yaml of rsql_formatters

rsql_core has 25 features without comments.