Cargo Features

RPKI has no features set by default.

rpki = { version = "0.18.2", features = ["ca", "crypto", "repository", "rrdp", "rtr", "slurm", "compat", "xml", "arbitrary", "serde-support", "softkeys"] }
ca = repository, rrdp, serde-support

Main components of the crate.

crypto repository? = bcder, ring, untrusted
repository ca? = bcder, crypto

Required by readcer, readmft and readroa binaries

rrdp ca? = ring, xml
rtr slurm? = futures-util, tokio
slurm = rtr, serde-support, serde_json

Feature that provides compatibility with (technically incorrect) objects produced by earlier versions of this library, which are rejected now.

xml rrdp? = quick-xml

Dependent components of the crate.


Extra features provided.

Enables arbitrary, arbitrary of chrono

serde-support ca? slurm? = serde
softkeys = openssl

Affects crypto::softsigner

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

bcder crypto? repository?
futures-util rtr?
openssl softkeys?
quick-xml xml?
ring crypto? rrdp?
serde serde-support?
serde_json slurm?
tokio rtr?
untrusted crypto?