13 releases

0.5.2 Apr 3, 2020
0.4.11 Apr 2, 2020
0.4.10 Mar 29, 2020
0.4.6 Jan 27, 2020

#135 in WebSocket

Download history 3/week @ 2024-02-25 7/week @ 2024-03-10 74/week @ 2024-03-31

81 downloads per month

LGPL-3.0 and GPL-3.0-only

13K SLoC

Rust 7.5K SLoC // 0.0% comments JavaScript 5K SLoC // 0.1% comments Shell 148 SLoC // 0.3% comments Bitbake 28 SLoC // 0.5% comments


Romp a stomp server written in rust

Romp is an in memory messaging server, based on xtomp (a similar beast written in C).

Clients can connect with STOMP protocol over TCP, or STOMP over websockets.

STOMP is to pub/sub what HTTP is to request and response.

Example STOMP frame



There are a great many STOMP clients for most languages and platforms, writing a client from scratch is trivial.
Its also pretty simple to connect to with a telnet client and type the protocol by hand.

Romp functions as a WebSockets development platform by allowing rust code to handle certain message types. Romp also allows rust handlers for GET HTTP methods, (not POST). HTTP GET handling is needed to perform the initial requests to Upgrade an HTTP connection to WebSockets, but a generic framework exists to allow arbitrary rust code to handle requests before an Upgrade is made on the request.

Standalone Usage

Romp can be run as a standalone STOMP server with cargo run by default /etc/romp.roml is read with the server configuration. Romp opens the following ports

  • 8080 - presumed to be web-facing for HTTP GET & web-socket connections.
  • 61613 - standard STOMP port, presumed o be TCP connections, either web or local lan.
  • 61616 - administration port, presumed to NOT be web facing, should be blocked in the firewall on cloud deployments, or set enable_admin = false

Clients can connect with dedicated STOMP clients, browsers with STOMP/WebSockets, or direct with telnet.

Server side code

Romp can be loaded as a library from crates.io, at time of writing romp uses tokio 1.x, i.e. pre async.

Minimum server main for romp is as follows

fn main() {

This starts the default server.

Bespoke HTTP GET and STOMP message handlers can be added to the configuration by calling init methods before bootstrapping the server.
Calling filter methods after romp_bootstrap() is unsafe.

Message handlers use the filter pattern, which should be familiar to Java Servlets developers. Rather than I/O streams the filters are provided with the entire message pre-parsed and apis to send responses.

Filters for handling STOMP messages should implement the MessageFilter trait, filters for HTTP GET requests should implement HttpFilter.

Both these traits provide an init() method to setup initial state of the filter that will be called once during server initialization and a do_filter(context: &mut Context, message: &StompMessage) that is called for each request.

The two methods to insert filters are as follows

romp_stomp_filter(Box::new(PingFilter {}));


romp_http_filter(Box::new(HelloFilter {}));

romp::workflow::filter::ping::PingFilter, and romp::workflow::filter::http::hello::HelloFilter contain example code for handling messages.

Two convenience methods are provided that accept closures instead of pointers to Filters.

romp_stomp(|ctx, msg|)


romp_http(|ctx, msg|);

Filter code should avoid blocking the thread, the Context struct contains a StompSession which contains methods for sending replies asynchronously to the client.

Build from source

N.B. Unix only, (uses libc) designed to be easy to deploy in containers, lxinitd, lcx, lxd or docker.

Source code: gitlab.com/teknopaul

Install rust with rustup

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

You may have to uninstall the package manager's version of rustc which is a bit crap but rustup folks have no intention of supporting any other package manger or even trying to co-exist with them. Boo.

apt remove rustc

Ensure cargo is in your path

. go

Or add the following to your profile

. $HOME/.cargo/env

Then run make or cargo build

To build a statically bound binary

rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
cargo build --release --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl


N.B bugs and features moved to .later



~171K SLoC