1 unstable release

0.1.0 Dec 18, 2023

#129 in #mongo-db

Used in rm_orm


263 lines

rm_orm: MongoDB ORM for Rust

rm_orm is an open-source, fast, and memory-efficient Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for MongoDB written in Rust. It allows seamless integration between Rust structs and MongoDB collections by automatically converting structs to models.


  • Derive Model: Easily convert your Rust structs to MongoDB models by deriving the Model trait.

  • Collection Name Customization: Set the collection name for your models using the #[coll_name] attribute.

  • Non-Heap Copy: rm_orm is designed for efficiency, providing a non-heap copy ORM solution for MongoDB.

Getting Started

  1. Derive the Model trait for your structs and customize collection names using #[coll_name]:

    #[coll_name = "Books"]
    pub struct Book {
        // ... fields here
  2. Connect to MongoDB and start using the ORM:

    use rm_orm::{RmORM, Model};
    async fn main() {
        // Connect to MongoDB
        let db = RmORM::connect("admin", "123", "localhost", "27019", "main_db").await;
        // Create a new Book instance
        let mut the_book = Book::new(&db).await;
        the_book.fill(/* fill with your data */);
        // Save the book

Feel free to use this updated version with the new name "rm_orm" throughout the documentation.


~20K SLoC