#generate-static #pocket #ssg #web-page #save-it-later #reading-list

app research

Manage your reading lists and generate a static site with your saved articles

10 releases

new 0.1.12 May 14, 2024
0.1.10 May 12, 2024
0.1.7 Feb 18, 2024

#233 in Command line utilities

Download history 11/week @ 2024-02-06 121/week @ 2024-02-13 22/week @ 2024-02-20 134/week @ 2024-02-27 1/week @ 2024-03-12 100/week @ 2024-05-07

100 downloads per month


938 lines

Research Pocket 🔖

The last save-it-later tool you'll ever need

A self-hostable save-it-later tool that integrates with getpocket.com (and others soon). works on the web and terminal

Create your own static site on GitHub pages ResearchPocket/my-list 📚

How it works

Hashnode logo


  • Get the latest release binary for your desktop through the releases page

  • Using Cargo

    $ cargo install research

Generate your site

This requires that you have tailwindcss installed and available in your $PATH

$ research init # initializes the database
$ research pocket auth # authenticate with pocket
$ research fetch # fetches your articles
$ # add --download-tailwind if you don't have tailwindcss installed in your $PATH
$ research --db ./research.sqlite generate . # generate your site

Cli help

  • Basic Help

    Manage your reading lists and generate a static site with your saved articles.
    Usage: research [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]
      pocket    Pocket related actions
      fetch     Gets all data from authenticated providers
      list      Lists all items in the database
      init      Initializes the database
      generate  Generate a static site
      help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
          --db <DB_URL>  Database url [env: DATABASE_URL=] [default: ./research.sqlite]
      -d, --debug...     Turn debugging information on
      -h, --help         Print help
      -V, --version      Print version
  • Init

    Initializes the database
    Usage: research init <PATH>
      -h, --help  Print help
  • Pocket

    Pocket related actions
    Usage: research pocket [COMMAND]
      auth   Authenticate using a consumer key
      fetch  Fetch items from pocket
      help   Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
      -h, --help  Print help
  • Fetch

    Gets all data from authenticated providers
    Usage: research fetch
      -h, --help  Print help
  • Generate

    Here's an example of how to generate a static site:

    $ research --db <path/to/research.sqlite> generate --assets <path/to/assets> <path/to/output>

    Optionally add --download-tailwind to download and reuse the tailwindcss binary in the assets directory.

      Generate a static site
      Usage: research generate [OPTIONS] <OUTPUT>
        <OUTPUT>  The path to the output directory
            --assets <ASSETS>    Path to required site assets (main.css, search.js, tailwind.config.js) [default: ./assets]
            --download-tailwind  Download Tailwind binary to <ASSETS>/tailwindcss if not found
        -h, --help               Print help


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