#http #http-api #red #wasm #reqwest #red-panda


Client library for consuming the HTTP api of RedPanda, meant to be extended for edge devices, currently ESP32 and WASM

3 releases

0.0.4 Aug 8, 2023
0.0.2 Jul 31, 2023
0.0.1 Jul 26, 2023

#501 in HTTP client

23 downloads per month


344 lines

== Red Panda Http Rust == This crate uses the HTTP Proxy API of Red Panda (=native Kafka clone) to connect. (I'm unsure if the original Kafka has a similar or compatible HTTP-based API) It has a pluggable http client library, in order to make it embedded and WASM friendly.

This implementation has a 'reqwest' based implementation, and there is an ESP32-IDF version in development for embedded use cases, and a Spin based implementation to support WASM.

CI: CircleCI


~39K SLoC