#svg #recphyloxml #phylogeny #tree-reconciliation #phylogenetic-tree

deprecated app rectree3

OBSOLETE: Pease see 'thirdkind' instead! (Read 2 recPhyloXML files and build a svg representation of 3 level reconciliation as gene/parasite/host.)

12 releases

0.5.3 Feb 22, 2024
0.5.2 Feb 22, 2024
0.5.1 Jun 24, 2021
0.4.0 Jun 18, 2021
0.1.0 Apr 20, 2021

#6 in #phylogeny


305 lines


rectree3 at crates.io rectree3 at crates.io

OBSOLETE: Pease see 'thirdkind' instead!


Build a svg representation of a 3 level reconciliation, as gene/parasite/host

Still in development

Keywords: phylogeny, reconciled trees, phylogenetic trees

Format and input files:

Input format is recPhyloXML

The program needs 2 input files: one for the gene/parasite reconciliation, one for the parasite/host reconciliation.

Output examples

The program creates 7 output files, including 2 files displaying the 3 levels all together:

mapped_1.svg display the recnociled genes trees inside the "pipe" parasite tree. The "pipe" trees shows the duplications, losses and transfers reletive to the host in a similar way the transfers are displayed in simple phyloXML format.


mapped_2.svg display the reconciled parasite trees inside the "pipe" host tree. The transfers between genes are mapped to the parasite tree and displayed



rectree3 is written in Rust. The code is managed using Cargo and published on crates.io.

Install cargo:

curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh

or for Windows see https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/getting-started/installation.html

Once Cargo is installed just open a terminal and type:

cargo install rectree3

You may as well install from the sources. Clone or download the sources here https://github.com/simonpenel/rectree2svg and type:

cargo build --release
target/release/rectree3 -h

Run the binary:


rectree3 -f parasite host input file -g  gene parasite input file [-b][-c config file][-h][-i][-I][-L][-o output file][-r ratio][-v]
-b : open svg in browser
-c configfile: use a configuration file
-h : help
-i : display internal gene nodes
-I : display internal species nodes
-L : display as landscape
-r ratio : set the ratio between width of species and gene tree.
           Default 1.0, you usualy do not need to change it.
-v : verbose


rectree3  -f recphyl_examples/test1_mult_parasite/rechp_dtl.recphyloxml -g  recphyl_examples/test1_mult_parasite/recgs_mult_host_dtl.recphyloxml -i -b

You will find several input file examples in recphylo_examples directory.

Configuration file:

You may configure some of the features of the svg with the -c option.

The default values are the values of the "config_default.txt" file.

Modify the default values and save it into "my_config.txt" then type:

Using the API:

rectree3 use the light_phylogeny crate:


recPhyloXML documentation

See http://phylariane.univ-lyon1.fr/recphyloxml/

recPhyloXML paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6198865/

phyloXML documentation

See: http://www.phyloxml.org/

phyloXML paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2774328/

Under development:

  • Multiple parasites


CECILL: https://choosealicense.com/licenses/cecill-2.1/


~211K SLoC