10 breaking releases

0.11.0 Aug 13, 2019
0.10.0 Jul 1, 2019
0.9.0 Jun 28, 2019
0.3.0 Jan 23, 2019

#54 in #constructor

MIT license

399 lines


Regular Expression Constructor - the recreational version of regular expressions

rec is a Rust library that simplifies the process of reading and writing regular expressions. This library is intended for all users working with regular expressions, no matter their familiarity with regular expression syntax. Below is a summary of the functionality provided by rec:

  • WYSIWYG: &str and char are interpreted exactly as written (i.e. no metacharacters);
  • Uses operators from rust language syntax to provide easy to understand expressions.
  • Declares regular expressions as const &str values that are valid with the regex crate.

Getting Started

Add the following to your Cargo.toml:

rec = "0.11.0"


use rec::rec;
use regex::Regex;

const HELLO_WORLD: &str = "hello" + [' '; 1..] + "world";

let re = Regex::new(HELLO_WORLD).unwrap();
assert!(re.is_match("hello    world"));

Alternation is implemented by |.

use rec::rec;
use regex::Regex;

const VERSION: &str = "debug" | "release";

let re = Regex::new(VERSION).unwrap();


I know regular expression syntax; why should I use rec?

In order for code to be easily maintainable, it should be as simple as possible. Even if the original developer understands their regular expression, it is beneficial for the project as a whole if all contributors are able to easily understand the function of a regular expression.

License: MIT


~94K SLoC