Cargo Features

rapier3d = { version = "0.20.0", default-features = false, features = ["dim3", "f32", "parallel", "simd-stable", "simd-nightly", "simd-is-enabled", "wasm-bindgen", "serde-serialize", "enhanced-determinism", "debug-render", "profiler", "debug-disable-legitimate-fe-exceptions", "dev-remove-slow-accessors"] }
default = dim3, f32

These default features are set whenever rapier3d is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

dim3 default

Affects joint_constraint_builder::JointTwoBodyConstraintHelper.basis2, joint_constraint_builder::JointTwoBodyConstraintHelper.ang_basis, geometry::Cylinder, geometry::Cone, rapier3d::math.MAX_MANIFOLD_POINTS, rapier3d::math.Jacobian, rapier3d::math.JacobianView, rapier3d::math.JacobianViewMut, rapier3d::math.TangentImpulse, rapier3d::math.SPATIAL_DIM, rapier3d::math.ANG_DIM, outlines::instances

f32 default
parallel = rayon
simd-stable = simd-is-enabled

Enables simd-stable of parry3d, wide of simba

simd-nightly = simd-is-enabled

Enables simd-nightly of parry3d, packed_simd of simba

simd-is-enabled simd-nightly? simd-stable? = vec_map

Do not enable this feature directly. It is automatically enabled with the "simd-stable" or "simd-nightly" feature.

Affects joint_constraint_builder::JointTwoBodyConstraintBuilderSimd, joint_constraint_builder::JointOneBodyConstraintBuilderSimd


Enables wasm-bindgen of instant

serde-serialize = serde

Enables serde of bit-vec, serde-serialize of nalgebra and parry3d


Enables enhanced-determinism of parry3d, libm_force of simba

profiler = instant

Enables the internal profiler.


Feature used for debugging only.


Feature used for development and debugging only.
Do not enable this unless you are working on the engine internals.

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

vec_map simd-is-enabled?
instant profiler? wasm-bindgen?
rayon parallel?
serde serde-serialize?