#recommender #systems #filtering #collaborative


Quackin is a recommender systems framework written in Rust. We are currently focused on collaborative filtering.

1 unstable release

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.1 May 11, 2017
0.1.0 May 11, 2017

#9 in #recommender

MIT license

147 lines


travis crates

Release the quackin! 🦆

Quackin is a recommender systems framework written in Rust. This is a young project, which means two things:

  • There will be a lot of breaking changes until version 1.0
  • Is a perfect project for your contributions ;)

Quackin was concieved as a framework for collaborative filtering recommender systems. But it is open to new ideas. If you want to contribute in some way open or start working on an issue or ping me at z1mvader@protonmail.com.

One of the difficulties for developing this crate is that the Rust's machine learning and data mining ecosystem is on an early stage, then there is no standard libraries for anything yet. Nevertheless, I believe that we should take advantage of the control and speed that Rust offers to provide a competitive alternative to frameworks written in languages with a more developed ecosystem like Python or Java.


~67K SLoC