3 releases

0.1.0 Feb 16, 2023
0.1.0-rc2 Feb 10, 2023
0.1.0-rc1 Feb 5, 2023

#33 in #overlay

27 downloads per month
Used in 2 crates

GPL-3.0 license

179 lines


dependency status Minimum Supported Rust Version Crates.io docs.rs

A thin wrapper around fast-qr.

For more information on the project, take a look at the README and this website.


This crate provides an easy way of generating QR Codes with a logo overlay in the center. It was developed for GDSC Delft.

It uses fast-qr which makes is pretty fast. This crate also provides its own benchmarks.

This crate exposes the QrCodeBuilder struct which generates the QR Codes.

A usage example in the form of an Actix web-server can be found here and a CLI example can be found here.


~156K SLoC