13 releases

0.5.0 Mar 27, 2023
0.4.1 Jun 13, 2022
0.4.0 Mar 16, 2022
0.2.3 Jun 15, 2021
0.0.9 Dec 23, 2020

#26 in #authenticator

Used in sn_api

MIT OR BSD-3-Clause

773 lines


MaidSafe website Safe Dev Forum Safe Network Forum


This crate provides the implementation of JSON-RPC over QUIC, which is required by the Authenticator daemon communication protocol.

This crate exposes a minimised set of functions which are used by other crates to implement the Authenticator daemon communication protocol. On one hand the sn_api makes use of it to be able to send JSON-RPC messages to the authd over QUIC, and on the other hand the sn_authd makes use of it to accept those requests from clients, generating and sending back a JSON-RPC response over QUIC. Please refer to the sn_authd README to see some examples of these types of requests/responses.

Further Help

You can discuss development-related questions on the Safe Dev Forum. If you are just starting to develop an application for the Safe Network, it's very advisable to visit the Safe Network Dev Hub where you will find a lot of relevant information.


This Safe Network library is dual-licensed under the Modified BSD (LICENSE-BSD https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause) or the MIT license (LICENSE-MIT https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) at your option.


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~495K SLoC