2 releases

0.1.4 Jul 11, 2023
0.1.3 Mar 1, 2023

#5 in #qbittorrent

GPL-3.0 license

425 lines


Build And Test LICENSE

A cli to manage qBittorrent.

Installing qbt-cli

Install from package


scoop install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Bpazy/qbt-cli/master/qbt-cli.json

Install from cargo

cargo install qbt

Install from download

Download latest stable release version from release page. And put it under the $PATH.

Linux example:

wget -O /usr/local/bin/qbt https://github.com/Bpazy/qbt-cli/releases/latest/download/qbt-${REPLACE_ME_WITH_VERSION}-linux-amd64
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/qbt


1. Example: List all magnets

$ qbt list
36ef3f773e0916beea0946913462c32f5b927635  0.0%      metaDL 0.00MiB/s 神探伽利略禁断的魔术.mkv

2. Example: Delete all magnets

qbt list | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -n 1 qbt delete


1. Usage: Overview

PS C:\> qbt -h
Usage: qbt.exe [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  add   Add new torrent
  list  Get torrent list
  help  Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

      --verbose  Use verbose output
  -h, --help     Print help information
  -V, --version  Print version information

2. Usage: Add new torrent

PS C:\> qbt add -h
Add new torrent

Usage: qbt.exe add [OPTIONS] <URI>

  <URI>  URLs separated with newlines

      --savepath <SAVEPATH>
          Download folder
      --cookie <COOKIE>
          Cookie sent to download the .torrent file
  -c, --category <CATEGORY>
          Category for the torrent
  -t, --tags <TAGS>
          Tags for the torrent, split by ','
      --skip-checking <SKIP_CHECKING>
          Skip hash checking. Possible values are true, false (default)
      --paused <PAUSED>
          Add torrents in the paused state. Possible values are true, false (default)
      --root-folder <ROOT_FOLDER>
          Create the root folder. Possible values are true, false, unset (default)
  -r, --rename <RENAME>
          Rename torrent
      --up-limit <UP_LIMIT>
          Set torrent upload speed limit. Unit in bytes/second
      --dl-limit <DL_LIMIT>
          Set torrent download speed limit. Unit in bytes/second
      --ratio-limit <RATIO_LIMIT>
          Set torrent share ratio limit
      --seeding-time-limit <SEEDING_TIME_LIMIT>
          Set torrent seeding time limit. Unit in minutes
          Whether Automatic Torrent Management should be used
      --sequential-download <SEQUENTIAL_DOWNLOAD>
          Enable sequential download. Possible values are true, false (default)
      --first-last-piece-prio <FIRST_LAST_PIECE_PRIO>
          Prioritize download first last piece. Possible values are true, false (default)
  -h, --help
          Print help information

3. Usage: Get torrent list

PS C:\> qbt list -h
Get torrent list

Usage: qbt.exe list [OPTIONS]

  -f, --filter <FILTER>      Filter torrent list by state. Allowed state filters: all, downloading, seeding, completed, paused, active, inactive, resumed, stalled, stalled_uploading, stalled_downloading, errored
  -c, --category <CATEGORY>  Get torrents with the given category (empty string means "without category"; no "category" parameter means "any category". Remember to URL-encode the category name. For example, My category becomes My%20category
  -t, --tag <TAG>            Get torrents with the given tag (empty string means "without tag"; no "tag" parameter means "any tag". Remember to URL-encode the category name. For example, My tag becomes My%20tag
  -s, --sort <SORT>          Sort torrents by given key. They can be sorted using any field of the response's JSON array (which are documented below) as the sort key
  -r, --reverse <REVERSE>    Enable reverse sorting. Defaults to false [possible values: true, false]
  -l, --limit <LIMIT>        Limit the number of torrents returned
  -o, --offset <OFFSET>      Set offset (if less than 0, offset from end)
      --hashes <HASHES>      Filter by hashes. Can contain multiple hashes separated by |
  -h, --help                 Print help information

4. Usage: Delete torrent

PS C:\> qbt delete -h
Delete torrent

Usage: qbt.exe delete [OPTIONS] <HASHES>

  <HASHES>  The hashes of the torrents you want to delete. `hashes` can contain multiple hashes separated by `|`, to delete multiple torrents, or set to all, to delete all torrents

  -f, --delete-files  If set to true, the downloaded data will also be deleted, otherwise has no effect
  -h, --help          Print help information





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