1 unstable release

0.1.0 Mar 20, 2024

#17 in #width-height

MIT license

150 lines


encode your pngs, uncompressed


well, you see, sometimes pngs dont need to be compressed? what do you mean you want to send them over the network? well, what if, like, you have to encode a png, but then you just run a compressor over it? double the work, innit? just directly talk to the compressor? well, youve got me now, but, still, ya know, maybe you wanted to write a uncompressed png just for kicks anyways? like, the png is temporary? maybe you wanted to send them to your iterm2 apple terminal and didnt want to bother spending time waiting for compression? eeeh? yeah, now ive got you.


ya see, it does do plenty of speeding


uncompressing png encoding crate

  pngenc::RGB, // color type
  (2144, 1424), // width and height
  include_bytes!("../benches/cat"), // image to encode
  &mut std::fs::File::create("hey.png").unwrap(), // output writer

