Cargo Features

pixel-game-lib = { version = "0.9.0-alpha.6", default-features = false, features = ["hot-reloading-assets", "embedded-assets", "dialogue", "audio", "in-game-profiler"] }
default = audio, dialogue, hot-reloading-assets, in-game-profiler

These default features are set whenever pixel-game-lib is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

hot-reloading-assets default

Enable assets and hot-reload assets from disk when they are saved.

Has no effect when building for the web.

Enables hot-reloading of assets_manager


Enable assets and include them all in the binary.

Always enabled when building for the web.

This feature takes precedence over hot-reloading-assets when both are set.

Enables embedded of assets_manager

dialogue default

Integrate Yarn Spinner, a friendly DSL for writing dialogue.

Enables yarnspinner

dialogue feature

Affects pixel-game-lib::dialogue

audio default

Allow playing music and sounds using the Kira crate.

Enables kira ^0.8.7

audio feature

Affects pixel-game-lib::audio

in-game-profiler default

Show an in-game profiler

Enables puffin, puffin_egui, and stats_alloc, profile-with-puffin of profiling and egui, egui-wgpu, and egui-winit


in-game-profiler feature