2 stable releases

1.0.1 Jun 17, 2022
1.0.0 Jan 25, 2020

#2 in #pv

30 downloads per month


219 lines

Hands On Systems Programming with Rust

Hands-On Systems Programming with Rust, Published by Packt


This repository contains the code for the pipeviewer project that accompanies the "Hands-on Systems Programming with Rust" online course I created for and published through Packt.

This project replicates some of the functionality of pv, but the main focus of this project is to walk students through a hands-on project to teach and demonstrate Rust programming language features. Each Git tag in this repository is for a commit that corresponds to one of the training videos in the course, so you can walk through the code tag-by-tag if you like along with the course.

I hope you find this repository and the companion course useful. If you do, I encourage you to check out other courses, training, and projects that I do. 😉

I can be contacted via contact details on my website agileperception.com.

Update: 2022-06-17

Changes since tag 5.5:

  • Update pipeviewer's version to 1.0.1 (and add a corresponding tag)
  • Update from 2018 to 2021 edition of Rust in Cargo.toml
  • Update crossbeam to version 0.8.1 in Cargo.toml
  • Update crossterm to version 0.23.2 in Cargo.toml. In src/stats.rs, bring crossterm::style::Stylize into scope in a use statement, and change cursor::MoveToColumn(0) to cursor::MoveToColumn(1).
  • Update clap to version 3.2.5 in Cargo.toml. In src/args.rs, change .short("o") to .short('o') and .short("s") to .short('s').
  • Update all deep dependencies by running cargo update


~105K SLoC