Cargo Features

physis = { version = "0.2.3", default-features = false, features = ["game_install", "visual_data", "retail_game_testing", "patch_testing"] }
default = visual_data

The visual_data feature is set by default whenever physis is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

game_install patch_testing?

enables game installation support using unshield (only supported on Linux and macOS)

Affects physis::installer

visual_data default

enables support for extracting visual data, such as models, textures, materials, etc.
this enables a bunch of dependencies!
tip: can be safely turned off for launchers and other tools that simply need to extract the bare minimum of data

Enables bitflags ^1.3

needed for c-style bitflags used in some formats (such as tex files) cannot upgrade to 2.0.0, breaking changes that aren't recoverable:

and glam ^0.24.1

needed for deconstructing skeleton pose matrices

and half

needed for half-float support which FFXIV uses in its model data

and texpresso

needed for dxt/bc decompression

Affects physis::model, physis::skeleton, physis::tex, physis::mtrl, physis::shpk, physis::pbd


testing only features

patch_testing = game_install