permutation is used at run time in 49 crates (of which 1 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 21 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 2 crates.

Number of dependers permutation version Downloads/month
23 0.4.1 22K
28 0.2.5 390
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) permutation version
4.9K soa_derive ^0.4.0
650 2 anndata ^0.4
600 havocompare ^0.4
360 iotdb-client ^0.4.0
200 rabe ^0.4.1
170 11 vector_utils ^0.2
1 fnntw ^0.4.1
iotdb-client-rs ^0.4.0
5 chiral-common ^0.4
rustrees ^0.4.1
1 toluol-proto ^0.4
net_ensembles ^0.2.5
optima ^0.4.1
1 etterna ^0.2
otter-sql ^0.4.1
3 fonttools ^0.2.5
eson ^0.2.5
wave-function-collapse ^0.4.1
matchtigs ^0.4.0
lrdf ^0.4.1
2 chiral-data ^0.4