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#488 in Development tools

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615 lines

party - Run a Party of Commands

party is a minimal command runner that aims to automate running a repetitive sequence of commands (usually during development).

It is designed to run a set of default or user-defined commands either sequentially or in parallel.


cargo install --locked party

How To Run

Party with default commands

party run

By default party run will run sequentially the commands:

  1. cargo fmt
  2. cargo clippy -- -Dwarnings
  3. cargo test

Run a custom party

party looks in the project for a party.toml file (or a specific file if run with -f). For simplicity, the command below will create a party.toml file with the default commands in the current directory:

party init

This generates a local party.toml:

command = ["cargo", "fmt"]

command = ["cargo", "clippy", "--", "-Dwarnings"]

command = ["cargo", "test"]

Once the file is ready, invoking party run will run your custom party of commands! To run a single party command, use party run -i [COMMAND_NUMBER].

Validate the command party is good

To validate the configuration file is correct or to just check what commands would be run, a summary can be generated by running:

party info

Run a parallel party

Sometimes commands are independent and can be run in parallel to save a bit of time. party allows this via the parallel flag in the configuration flag.

In the example below, the second and third command are independent and have the parallel flag set to true. If the flag is missing, it is considered to be false.

command = ["cargo", "fmt"]

command = ["cargo", "clippy", "--", "-Dwarnings"]
parallel = true

command = ["cargo", "test"]
parallel = true

command = ["cat", "results.txt"]

The commands that are paralelised in the configuration have a [P] tag in party info:

[ ][1/4]: cargo fmt
[P][2/4]: cargo clippy -- -Dwarnings
[P][3/4]: cargo test
[ ][4/4]: cat results.txt

For simplicity, party batches commands in subparties in the following way:

  • A command that has the parallel flag set to false is run in its own batch
  • All consecutive commands with the flag set to true are batched together
  • The next command with the flag set to false is run in its own batch

Use party batch to verify this:

4 tasks will be run in 3 batches. All tasks in a batch are run in parallel.
Batch [1/3] with 1 commands:
  - cargo fmt
Batch [2/3] with 2 commands:
  - cargo clippy -- -Dwarnings
  - cargo test
Batch [3/3] with 1 commands:
  - cat results.txt

For more information, run party help, or party [COMMAND] --help.


~158K SLoC