orbclient is used at run time in 1,154 crates (of which 1,141 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 14 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 226 crates (of which 1 directly).

Number of dependers orbclient version Downloads/month
1,378 0.3.47 145K
1 0.2.18 0
1 0.1.26 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) orbclient version
434K 653 winit ^0.3.47
9.7K 69 minifb ^0.3.20
1.7K 2 floem-winit ^0.3.42
240 2 orbfont ^0.3
180 2 orbimage ^0.3.20
110 3 orbtk ^0.3.27
winit-gtk ^0.3.42
orbterm ^0.3.24
orbutils ^0.1
2 orbtk_orbclient ^0.3.32
orbtk-simple-modal ^0.3
orbclient_window_shortcuts ^0.3.8
slint_orbclient ^0.3
tachyonic ^0.2.11
tiny_skia_display dev ^0.3.31