#generator #license #api #generate-keys


Offline license key generator

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Dec 14, 2022

#25 in #generate-keys

21 downloads per month

Custom license

491 lines

Offline License RS

License Issues CI Activity

Be patient, this is still WIP

Manual Version


Offline license RS is mainly inspired by license-key rust library and Implementing a Partial Serial Number Verification System in Delphi blog.

Offline license RS is able to generate license key for your product without validating it with network connection. It is also important to say that this method will not prevent Cracking or Unauthorized distributing of your software also known as PIRACY.

Table of contents


We do not recommend using any of default operators or exact same sources from examples, due to public knowledge how license keys are specifically generated!


  • Why did you create this library when already exist similar libraries written in RUST for example license-key.

I want to learn RUST.

  • Why use offline license validation when it is described as "unsafe" and possible "crackable" license generator.

To make easier life for our consumer, whenever they will not have access to internet. Anyway license key can be validated again whenever user will have access to the internet, e.g. with license key server. Also have on mind that your license server for online license key verification can any time die and user will not be able to activate your product/software again. There will be always a way to crack your product/software...


~19K SLoC