#cross-platform #workspace #directory #neorg #manager #expose #dirman


A cross-platform implementation of Dirman in Rust

2 releases

0.1.1 Mar 12, 2023
0.1.0 Mar 11, 2023

#71 in #expose

22 downloads per month
Used in ts-breeze

GPL-3.0 license

256 lines

A Directory Manager for Neorg

The neorg-dirman crate is a core module which provides a basic interface for workspaces.

Workspaces are the backbone of Neorg - they are a directory with an assigned name whose files are .norg notes belonging to a specific area of focus.

This crate exposes a Workspace struct as well as a WorkspaceManager to easily keep track of many workspaces as well as the current ("active") workspace. A files() function is also provided to enumerate all files within a given workspace.


~56K SLoC