1 unstable release

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.0 Oct 18, 2016

#253 in #decode

28 downloads per month

MIT license

640 lines


Build Status Crates.io Decode NatNet messages in Rust.

NatNet is the software solution supporting OptiTrack many offerings. Since motion tracking data is multicast it can be decoded in any language and this crate is a Rust (unofficial!) implementation.


use natnet_decode::NatNet;
use semver::Version;

let mut data = Vec::new();
// Fill data here
// ...

// We can then decode this:
let parsed = NatNet::unpack_with(&Version::parse("2.5.0").unpack(), &mut data.as_ref());
// Do stuff with parsed
println!("{:?}", parsed);


This crate is heavily inspired by python-optirx and test data is borrowed with permission.


~146K SLoC