#tree #algorithm #multiproof #leaf #hash #list #extension

nightly multiproof-rs

Rust implementation of @ledgerwatch's multiproof algorithm

9 releases

0.1.9 Jul 28, 2020
0.1.8 Jun 12, 2020
0.1.7 Apr 28, 2020
0.1.5 Feb 28, 2020
0.1.2 Dec 3, 2019

#12 in #leaf

25 downloads per month
Used in 2 crates



CircleCI Crates.io


A rust implementation of Alexey Akhunov's multiproof algorithm.

At the time of creation, multiproof is still a work in progress and this code makes a series of assumptions that are to be discussed and updated in order to achieve complete compatibility. Here is a non-exhaustive list of assumptions:

  • The initial LEAF, BRANCH, ADD, HASHER and EXTENSION model is still in use,
  • HASHER always has a parameter of 0. This is clearly and issue with this code as several distrinct trees end up having the same hash.


This code uses features from rust nightly. Install it by typing:

rustup install nightly

You can then run the tests with:

cargo +nightly test


Creating trees

Start with an empty tree:

let mut tree_root = Node::default();

This creates a mutable tree root, which is a node with 16 (currently empty) children.

You can use insert_leaf to add a (key,value) pair to that tree. This example adds (0x11111..111, 0x22222..222) to the tree that was created above:

new_root.insert(&NibbleKey::from(vec![1u8; 32]), vec![2u8; 32]).unwrap();

Note that the key format is &NibbleKey, and no longer Vec<u8>.

Calculating hashes

The hash function will walk the tree and calculate the hash representation.

let hash = new_root.hash();

Creating the proof

Call make_multiproof with the root of the tree and the list of keys to be changed. It returns a Multiproof object, which can be sent to the verifier over the network; The example below will create a proof for leaf 0x11...11:

let proof = make_multiproof(&new_root, vec![NibbleKey::from(vec![1u8; 32])]).unwrap();

Verifying proof

Call the rebuild function on the output of make_multiproof:

let root = proof.rebuild().unwrap();


See unit tests.



  • Add the Hashable trait and use methods M2 and M3 (see https://ethresear.ch/t/binary-trie-format/7621/6)
  • Implement From<Vec<bool>> and Into<Vec<bool>>
  • Binary keys use bool as a key type
  • Use extensions for binary tries
  • Bugfix: check that keys have the same length in insert.
  • Fuzzing: introduce tests for nibblekey and Node::inset.


  • keys method on Node in order to get the list of keys present in the tree.
  • Fixes #61 - if several keys have the same prefix leading to a Leaf object, don't return an error; instead, add that key to the proof, as a proof that all the extra keys are missing.


  • Accept the insertion of empty keys


  • Fix a bug in even-length hex prefix calculations


  • Export ByteKey to Vec
  • Implement fmt::Display for NibbleKey


  • Support for binary trees
  • CBOR encoding of proofs


  • Allow inserts to overwrite existing leaves
  • Make has_key part of the tree trait
  • Bugfix in NibbleKey index calculation
  • README updates


  • Export all submodules


  • Export node::* from crate


~55K SLoC