#terminal #shell #ssh #linux-terminal #command-line-interface #system #cli-tool


motd interrogates pam_motd.so in order to determine the current message of the day. It only works on linux and it is a component of the shpool tool, though you can also use the dump-motd wrapper CLI tool directly. Through feature selection, you can also use a pure rust impl with no dlopen shennigans.

3 unstable releases

0.2.1 Apr 2, 2024
0.2.0 Mar 18, 2024
0.1.0 Mar 4, 2024

#7 in #linux-terminal

31 downloads per month
Used in 3 crates (2 directly)


682 lines


motd is a crate for printing the current MOTD (message of the day) on linux. Most of the logic lives in the motd crate, and the dump-motd tool is a thin wrapper which provides a command line interface for the crate.


You must install libpam headers to build this crate. On debian based systems you can do so with

sudo apt-get install libpam0g-dev


There are two modes of operation for the motd crate. By default, it will load and call into the pam_motd.so file used by the pam stack, but you can instead use a pure rust reimplementation of the logic found in pam_motd.so if you want. The downside of the pure rust implementation is that it no longer uses the same source-of-truth logic to resolve the motd, though this is likely not a huge deal because pam_motd is fairly stable. The pure rust implementation has the advantages that it uses zero unsafe code, does not require a (sometimes slow) directory walk to locate pam_motd.so the first time it is run, and requires many fewer dependencies.

The feature for calling pam_motd.so directly is socall, and it is enabled by default. To use the pure rust implementation, disable default features. This will change the signature of a few functions.


~139K SLoC