0.0.0 Oct 27, 2019

#12 in #constructs





This long-term project is work in progress and does not provide any public functionality yet. Its finalization will take a considerable amount of time.

morphor is planned to be both a library and command-line tool for computing with finite-state machines and transducers. Its primary field of application is the morphological processing of natural languages. Computational morphology deals with both the analysis and generation of inflected word forms which is one of the steps needed for helping computers understand natural language.

The main goal of this project is to re-implement the Foma finite-state compiler and C library in Rust. Foma itself is an extended open-source implementation of the Xerox Finite-State Toolkit.

The current version 0.0.0 acts as a placeholder for hosting on crates.io. As soon as a significant part of Foma has been re-implemented and can be tested, the version will be incremented to 0.1.0.

References for Interested Readers


~105K SLoC