#hal #arm #cortex-m #mkw41z

nightly no-std mkw41z-hal

Peripheral access API for MKW41Z microcontrollers

2 releases

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.1 May 10, 2018
0.1.0 Mar 20, 2018

#186 in #hal

45 downloads per month
Used in frdm-kw41z

0BSD license

426 lines


mkw41z-hal contains the (slight) hardware abstraction on top of the peripheral access API for the NXP KW41Z series microcontroller.

This crate relies on my mkw41z crate to provide appropriate register definitions and implements a partial set of the embedded-hal traits.

This implementation was developped and tested against the FRDM-KW41Z board for which also a FRDM-KW41Z crate is available.


0-clause BSD license.


~562K SLoC